1: Keep your software updated.
Have you seen software notices that tell you an update is ready? You shouldn’t ignore them—that’s a bad idea. Updates and patches are there to protect us. They secure and reinforce your computer, software, and data.
2: Use strong passwords.
You probably already know how important it is to use strong, random, and unique passwords. And I’m sure your banking password isn’t your cat’s name—right?
A really solid password meets three criteria:
• It has at least twelve characters.
• It includes uppercase and lowercase letters as well as numbers and symbols.
• It does not contain words that can be found in the dictionary, or people’s names.
3: Fortify sensitive accounts.
To be honest, passwords are important, but their effectiveness is inherently limited. Add a second layer called two-step authentication. Also called 2FA or multifactor authentication, two-factor authentication is more effective than passwords alone.
Many sites already allow (even encourage) users to turn on 2FA, including Gmail, Twitter, and PayPal. Chances are your bank has it too. You don’t need to set it up everywhere, only at your most important and sensitive accounts such as PayPal or your online bank account.
4: Back up, back up, back up!
Here is the harsh reality: one day, you will lose your data. Your hard drive will crash. Or maybe you accidentally erase your data. Or maybe you lose your computer or device altogether. Losing your data can be catastrophic, but if you have a backup it’s not such a big deal. Back up regularly and test your backups.
5: Update your antivirus.
You already know that installing a solid antivirus program is one of your best defenses against malware. But installing antivirus software isn’t enough. Just like those patches and updates, you need to make sure you have the most current version and the virus definitions are up-to-date.
Of course, you can avoid the hassle altogether by allowing important software like your operating system and antivirus to update automatically. The takeaway is that a few minutes spent here and there can save you a world of pain.