Griffin has WordPress support

Griffin – Plugin Crashed Site

Griffin is a 50-year-old man that has been running a home renovation and HVAC business for over 20 years. He enjoyed steady growth and an ever-growing number of clients. His website is his biggest driver. In the beginning Griffin was able to keep up his website and run the business, but over time it became too much, and he let the website slip.

Not keeping up with WordPress is a common and unfortunately, often a fatal mistake. Griffen had a plugin fail causing his site to crash. Worse, he didn’t know it until calls dipped and he checked his website. He had no idea how long it had been down. Griffin found a WordPress specialist that got him back up and running in a couple of days. It was costly in more ways than one.

It was estimated the site had been down for about two weeks. For two weeks his marketing was taking people to a crashed site. On top of the lost business Griffin suffered major damage to his reputation and search ranking. His web person turned him on to and Griffin signed up at once. He has not had to worry about his site since.

Issue: Website was down because of a bad plugin.

Down time: at least two weeks.

Cost of recovery: $3000.00,

Lost business: unmeasurable

Damage to reputation: unmeasurable

Potential savings:  $2700.00 +

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